[Sat] Diaper Wrapping Party!
October 27, 2018, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Available Seat: 6 |   Location: Orange
Category: Voluteering

Event Details

Where this is happening: 856 N Elm St Suite L, Orange, CA 92867

What’s Diaper Wrapping Party? We’ll turn on some music & organize + wrap diapers together!  We need a lot of help in order to prepare for the #DiaperHour & we need your help!

What type of Volunteer work would I be doing?  We use this opportunity to prepare for our program and do back-end work. Main task would be un-boxing & organizing diapers, preparing wrapped diapers, doing inventory on all items we have in stock. Secondary tasks are going through donated items, helping with paperwork, preparing for an event, & etc. This volunteering event is how we stay organized & prepare for our regular #DiaperHour & #DiaperGap #DiaperBank program!


-Important Notice-

Note: On your first day of Volunteering, please bring your ID.  We need a copy of your ID & Volunteer agreement on file before starting Volunteering.
Children & Age requirement: If you’re a mom joining us with your kids, they can accompany you if they are able to help.  If they’re in middle school/Jr. high & up, please sign up for a slot for a children.  If they’re a baby, please prepare to wear them during volunteering.  We do NOT have baby safe area for them to be nor offer daycare during volunteering.  You also will be asked to sign a waiver for your child(ren).  Teens can sign up for themselves as long as they’re in high school or beyond.  If under 18, we require their parent’s signature & copy of parent’s ID (Please come up with them during drop-off).  The same rule applies if you’re 18 or over but do not have a government issued ID yet.
Group Sign Up: Please make sure each person volunteering selects their own volunteer spot with their own name. (not with name of person who’s helping them sign up)
Availability: We’ll typically have volunteer sign up sheet available at least 2 weeks out.  You can get notified when new schedule is available by joining our Newsletter using link on your right. (for mobile scroll down)
Volunteer Perk: There is one small perk of being an volunteer beside making a real difference by helping!  At the end of Volunteering session, you’ll have an opportunity to use diaper programs.  (Principle volunteer ONLY, no friends request allowed)
Changes: Any changes to your schedule?  Can’t make it?  Please reply to notification you received or email to (inquiry@clearcharity.org) to let us know ASAP.

Volunteer Sign-up Form

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.

Sign-up Cancel Form
Annulations no longer allowed on this date.