Quick Summary Terms on our Crowd Sourcing program
Here are quick overview of terms and conditions for us to create a page where you can share to collect donations through a Charity.
- You must provide us with enough information to build a profile/page. We’ll create a donation page with your story and pictures to call out to public.
- You must be ok with sharing your information with the public. (Name, pictures, and etc.)
- You must be able to provide proof to follow through all stories about your situation. (including but not limited to court document) These information will not be shared with public without your consent. (if shared, we’ll block out all sensitive information.
- If you have in the past or currently running any crowd sourcing page, you must discontinue before working with us – We don’t want focus to be scattered. We are also providing personalized page with complete search engine control & tax credit on donations.
- You must be willing to share your donation page through your social network. Facebook, Twitter, and etc. – People around you are the best resource to start the funding.
- If any campaign goes inactive for 3 months (90 days), Clear Charity reserve right to close campaign. At this time, with 14 day notice, all remaining balance will go toward general funding of Clear Charity.
- We’ll only charge you 2% to run your campaign. (compare to 5~10% of other crowdfunding sites)
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