2018 Financial Report
2018 was a year of maturity. Our program went though a lot of changes in order to accommodate with demand as well as dealing with many different types of client. Through it all, we believe we found a program that truly works in our community!

2017 Financial Report
2017 was a year of rapid growth! We moved our office TWICE to accommodate the demand and we are growing & taking place in the community as a diaper authority!
Clear Charity provides Financial Report for each year with full details which…

2019 Diaper Donations Log
Thank you so much for your donation & Support. We are able to continue Diaper Aid of Southern California program thanks to these generous support from our community! This page will updated periodically to show donations by specific groups…

2019 Planning Meeting
Meeting Date: 1/3/19
Planning Meeting for 2019 topics and content of discussion as well as goals for 2019.
New Staff starting Friday 1/4
Expansion goals for 2019 – 2nd office in Riverside County

2018 Diaper Donations
Thank you so much for your donations of diapers & other baby related items. Clear Charity's program can continue because of your generous donation and it's vital in order for us to continue our program. This page will updated periodically…

2016 Financial Report
With start of #DiaperGap #DiaperBank programs, 2016 was the year which Clear Charity found its place within local community. We've been featured on OC Register & CBS news as well as found many new partner agencies as well as new donors…

2017 Diaper Donations
Thank you so much for your donations of diapers & other baby related items. Clear Charity's program can continue because of your generous donation and it's vital in order for us to continue our program.
This page will updated periodically…

Camp Transformation Center Diaper Drive March, 2017
The Camp Transformation Centers in OC hosted Diaper Drive to help #DiaperGap #DaiperBank programs! All of their 5 locations in Orange County participated in this diaper drive. We had a lot of fun visiting the locations to talk to people…

Diaper Talk @ CSUF 11/5/16
Clear Charity had a Diaper Talk / meeting with Cal State University of Fullerton's Gen UN group to talk about #DiaperGap!
During the chat, members of GEN UN brought in diapers to donate to our programs as well.
Diaper collected: appx 872…

Shop For Charity at The District Tustin Legacy 9/29/16
Thanks to generous sponsorship of The District Tustin Legacy, we held our first major outdoor event within promenade in front of AMC theater at The District Tustin Legacy. We had catered food, wine tasting, live music throughout the event…

2015 Financial Report
2015 was an interesting year. Our main program Backup Safety Net has concluded its program unofficially since we have completed our mission of bridging the gap between county funding and shelter's ability to house people as needed. We are…