diaper gap

What is Diaper Gap?

Diaper Gap (#DiaperGap) is an inequality caused by financial status and marketing of big discount stores.  It’s no secret that babies use a lot of diapers.  And diapers are a necessity for a baby.  Many Americans would choose to go to big discount stores where they will get the best deal on diapers and get a big box at a time.  However, not every American familiy can afford this luxury.

Nearly 1/3 of American families struggle to afford enough diapers.




Disposable diapers can cost an average of $936 per child per year.  For lower income families, this cost equals to 14% of their annual income.  Many families struggle to afford diapers because they can’t stock up when it’s on sale or have access to wholesale stores.


What about government assistance?

Currently, there is no federal assistance for purchasing diapers.  Programs like WIC, SNAP, Medicaid help provide parents with nutritious foods and the supports they and their babies need to stay healthy, but does not include diapers.


What about cloth diapers?

While cloth diapers can be a cheaper alternative in the long run, there is a steep upfront cost.  Also, most daycares will not accept cloth diapers.  Many low-income families also do not have access to washers & dryers to keep cloth diapers clean and many laundromats will NOT allow cloth diapers to washed due to sanitation concerns.


What’s the health risk of not having enough diapers?

Not being able to change diapers regularly can cause rashes and  urinary tract infections.  These are serious health issue for babies which can also lead to emotional and mental health issues for both baby and parents.


What is #DiaperGap?

The national average cost per diaper is around $0.19~0.33.  However, when families buy a small box at the nearby retail store, it may cost them as much as $0.50 per diaper.  Due to this higher cost, it’s been reported that low-income families spend as much as 14% of their income toward diapers alone.  This difference of cost is known as #DiaperGap.


How is Clear Charity / Diaper Aid helping?

We provide unique program under Diaper Aid program where we provide FREE (#DiaperBank) diapers as well as subsidized diapers at deep discount to make up affordability caused by the #DiaperGap.  By bridging the Diaper Gap, we are able to provide stability and stable supply for diapers for families in need.  (Availability of programs can be different based on location)


Diaper Aid program is expanding into different areas and we welcome partners who want to make a difference in their community through Diaper Aid program.


How Can I Help?

  • Share this page or any other resources to raise awareness & talk about this issue.
  • Donate to our program to continue supply of diapers.
  • Host a Diaper Drive to support our programs.
  • Contact us to Volunteer or to find other ways to help!


Clear Charity’s Programs:

Diaper Aid Program
(previously OC #DiaperBank & #DiaperGap)


Let’s Do a Diaper Drive!

Donate Today


More Resources:

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5 years ago

Hi question we’re are you guys having the diaper bank for feb month ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Edith

Hi there, so OC Food Bank will be continuing diaper bank program. Please reach out to them for info. Thank you!

5 years ago

good morning help with diapers and wipes, because i’m looking for help i have 2 baby

5 years ago
Reply to  coral

Please contact OC Food Bank for help with diapers & wipes!

6 years ago

Are you offering the free diaper program at Temecula for WIC participants, or is it only the subsidized diaper program for all (including WIC families)? TIA

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Hey Emily, Any #popupshop style #DiaperHour we do (including Temecula), we’ll be offering wholesale diapers & subsidized diaper programs only. Diaper Bank (free diaper program) will not be available until we can get a permanent space since we need a place to store them.

6 years ago

Hi I missed the drive today at Temecula. When do you think you guys will be doing a drive back to Temecula have friends and family with newborns and toddlers interested as well thank you!

6 years ago
Reply to  Dayana

Hey Dayana, we’re not sure yet but we’re hoping to do this once a month so Feb. 🙂 Either sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/clearcharity/) to get updates!

6 years ago
Reply to  Dayana

Fyi, we’ll be in Temecula again on 2/23. Check DiaperAid.org and click on Temecula Program info for details.

Kristie Campos
Kristie Campos
6 years ago

I live 5 hours away and I don’t have transportation. I have wic and I was wondering if we can get free diapers shipped?

6 years ago
Reply to  Kristie Campos

Sorry but we are unable to ship any free diapers at this time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kristie Campos

Kristie, while we cannot ship free or subsidized diapers, you can buy them at wholesale cost here: https://clearcharity.org/catalog/program-related/diapergap/diapergap-jetcares-diapers-wipes

7 years ago

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to try out some samples before making an order? One order has a lot of diapers, and I am not sure whether the baby will have any reaction to that, so i would like to know if it is possible to get some samples first.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tiffany

Hello Tiffany, I totally understand your concern. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate such request due to the fact that our programs are part of charity and we’re not equipped to handle things like this. However, I believe Amazon has a smaller pack of Cuties diapers we mainly use at smaller packs if you’d like to try that way.

Marisol Quintana
Marisol Quintana
8 years ago

I see an adress , and today’s date around 12pm to 4pm is there a number I can call ? And do they offer free diapers today I have a 3year old and pregnant due in April I would like to start getting some diapers for free I don’t have the extra income to purchase any at this time

8 years ago

Hello Marisol, please visit here for full details: https://clearcharity.org/projects/diaper-gap/close-the-diaper-gap
And as long as you qualify, we will provide you with diapers free & subsidized. But if you’re due in April, you can come in couple weeks prior to your due date to get some diapers for your arriving child.

Thank you.

Diana Chavez
Diana Chavez
8 years ago

Where can I go to buy diapers and do I need to qualify for low income?

Jay PK
8 years ago
Reply to  Diana Chavez

Hello Diana, we typically have diaper open hours on Tuesday afternoon & you can come in to get premium diapers at low price & you don’t need any low income qualifications. If you do qualify for low-income assistance, we have additional programs that can help reduce price of diapers even further.
Go here for full details: http://www.closethediapergap.org