We at Clear Charity are extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve our community with our Diaper Aid Program since May 2016.  We also want to thank our donors and volunteers who helped us reach our two main goals:


                 Closing the Diaper Gap within Southern California

                 Raising awareness of Diaper Need


Our partnership in this Program with Jet.com, who also responded to the White House’s call to action, was a huge success, providing millions of diapers to thousands of babies within Southern California and beyond.  We raised enough attention to evoke a governmental response through Assemblywoman Gonzalez.  The State of California now has $10 million dollar allocated to a public Diaper Program; a victory for all families in need!


Starting in 2020, the OC Food Bank, a recipient of the above mentioned funding, will be starting a Diaper Program that’s available to the public.  We will be passing on our knowledge and offering any assistance we can to the OC Food Bank, who will be able to provide services to a larger population than we could have dreamed of.  As such, Clear Charity is officially placing a hold on all Diaper Aid Programs until further notice. It is now time for us to find our next mission and cause to advocate.


Clear Charity is a small organization, run by volunteers and community-focused helpers.  We have found overlooked needs and worked to generate attention towards those needs.  Our first major program was the “Backup Safety Net,” which provided emergency shelter to Domestic Violence victims when there was a lack of funding and beds available.  When that need was filled by additional county funding, we discovered there was Diaper Need, and so we developed Diaper Aid to provide the public with a secular diaper program open to anyone who needed help.  We didn’t realize how big this program would grow, expanding to out of state and leading us to open multiple locations, even developing a shipping program to our clients’ doorsteps.  We never imagined where this road would lead us and it was an incredible learning experience!


So it is with incredibly heavy hearts that we need say good-bye to our Orange County and Temecula Valley families who comes to us for diapers.  But we hope to say hello again when we begin our next mission.


Thank you again to our Captains and Volunteers who ran and developed our Diaper Aid programs; to our interns and Staff who raised funds; and finally to all our donors and supporters who contributed funds and diapers to help us Close the DiaperGap!


Thank you and we wish you amazing 2020!  And hope to cross our path again soon!

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Judith Krick
Judith Krick
5 years ago

Thank you to all the Volunteers and Staff.
My family was helped tremendously during the last 3 years. Clear Charity made a change!

5 years ago
Reply to  Judith Krick

Thank you Judith, we’re happy to be of service!!!