
Double your DONATION!
Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, all donations received from 12/11 ~ 12/13 will be matched up to $300!!! Please view our donation page and make a donation today!
Click below image to see donation pages/options.

Become a Local Team Leader and Host a Run/Walk!
In order to make #RunAgainstDV successful, we need Local Team Leaders to host a run or walk!
If you're already considering or committed to doing the run, this is just a small extra step. All you need to do is pick a time and location…

Fundraiser Elves
It's the holiday season and we need your help to continue our vital emergency program: Backup Safety Net.
Did you know? Not every victim who calls the hotline gets saved. We are here to make sure that every victim who breaks their silence…

American Dream by Emma
I have a MS degree, had a career, married a CEO of a well-known company, lived in a gorgeous home in an affluent neighborhood, drove a nice car and was living the American dream…it seemed. For 10 of my 13 years of marriage I was also being…

Untangling Financial Aftermath by Amy
Amy Kukec is a Domestic Violence Survivor. Like many Domestic Violence victims, even though she was able to break free from the violence and abuse, she is now left with a financial burden and hardship that puts her and her three kids in jeopardy.

Signal Strength: Clear Charity’s new program to Fight Against Domestic Violence
FOR RELEASE ON 9/22/2014 - See Press Release on PRLog
9/22/2014 - Orange County, CA. Clear Charity has announced their new program ‘Signal Strength’. This is their second program for their ‘Fight Against Domestic Violence’ campaign,…

Fight against Domestic Violence: Signal Strength
This program was concluded in 2016
One of the most common similarities among abusers is financial control. By not letting the victim has access to financial information, they're not only controlling their action but also their freedom. [Future… campaigns
Clear Charity is back on & this time for a longer stay. Causes has helped raising awareness of Domestic Violence long before current attention centered around NFL scandals. We are committed to continue our fight against Domestic…

Why Monthly Support is Important
We live in one of the most charitable nations in the world, where people tend to make their biggest donations during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. In fact, many charities collect more than half of their donations during the…

Social Team Volunteer
Are You a Social Butterfly? Join our Social Team!
We are looking for Social Team Volunteer Members who can help us lead campaigns for our cause via social network.
If you're active on social & wanted to help your fame to…

Fight against Domestic Violence: Backup Safety Net
This program was concluded in 2016
Did you know? Due to limited funding, shelters for victims of Domestic Violence sometimes run out of space. When this happens, a back up plan called a "Safety Net" is used to provide victims with a temporary…

Cause: Domestic Violence
What is Domestic Violence?
do·mes·tic vi·o·lence [noun]
Violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power…