Help Wanted: #DiaperTalk Speaker
#DiaperTalk is our monthly support group where all parents are welcome. We meet every last Saturday of the month and we talk about anything that's baby related such as baby carrying, breastfeeding, to dealing with terrible 2's or 3's of whichever…

#GivingTuesday is #DiaperTuesday!
This year's Giving Tuesday is less than 2 weeks away - 11/29/2016! We want to make this #GivingTuesday a #DiaperTuesday to help us reach our goal!
We've been getting many requests to expand our #DiaperHour from our current Tuesday 12p to…

Help to Close The #DiaperGap
We currently have diaper hours every Tuesday Afternoon and we need your help!
How you can help:
We need help taking care of visitors during our #DiaperHour which is currently Tuesday 12-4p.
We also need help on Saturdays AM to wrap…

We want gently used baby clothes
Clear Charity is looking for baby & children's clothes (& small toys) to be donated. As a latest effort for a fundraiser, Clear Charity has partnered with the Onesie2Onesie marketplace. Clear Charity would like supporters to donate…

Become a Local Team Leader and Host a Run/Walk!
In order to make #RunAgainstDV successful, we need Local Team Leaders to host a run or walk!
If you're already considering or committed to doing the run, this is just a small extra step. All you need to do is pick a time and location…

Fundraiser Elves
It's the holiday season and we need your help to continue our vital emergency program: Backup Safety Net.
Did you know? Not every victim who calls the hotline gets saved. We are here to make sure that every victim who breaks their silence…

Social Team Volunteer
Are You a Social Butterfly? Join our Social Team!
We are looking for Social Team Volunteer Members who can help us lead campaigns for our cause via social network.
If you're active on social & wanted to help your fame to…