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Endless Legal Battle for Bobby by Lauren

There are many different types of Domestic Violence. When speaking of Domestic Violence, most people think of physical violence. While physical abuse is horrifying and damaging, it is also obvious and easy to recognize. Many other types of Domestic Violence such as financial and legal abuse is much harder to recognize. Lauren experienced both physical and […]

CLEF, log in via phone in testing

In our effort to boost our security, we’re now testing CLEF, a mobile based, highly secured login platform.  This system allows users to login using CLEF mobile app instead of using password, making it more secure. Using this app, you do not need to remember your password at all.  You can try this by using […]

Become a Local Team Leader and Host a Run/Walk!

In order to make #RunAgainstDV successful, we need Local Team Leaders to host a run or walk! If you’re already considering or committed to doing the run, this is just a small extra step.  All you need to do is pick a time and location where you’ll be doing your run and share.  You can […]

Make your own runner’s bib for #RunAgainstDV

One downside of virtual run is that you’re not getting a cool looking runner’s bib (aka running number) when you show up for the run.  And if you’re running Run Against Domestic Violence with a group, it’d be cool to have a nice running number to represent the cause and show off your group! Here’s […]

Crowdfunding Terms

Quick Summary Terms on our Crowd Sourcing program Here are quick overview of terms and conditions for us to create a page where you can share to collect donations through a Charity. You must provide us with enough information to build a profile/page. We’ll create a donation page with your story and pictures to call […]


Get Personalized Help on WordPress

– This program is currently inactive – Do you need a quick personalize help with WordPress?  Can’t make it to class or live far away but want a quick assistance?  There’s a quick and easy way to accomplish this. As a part of WordPress training course I offer, I’ll be offering ‘Free assistance’ to all […]

Thinking of CrowdFunding? We can help!

Clear Charity is committed to helping our community.  And that includes helping via crowdfunding.  There are so many different kinds of funding sources nowadays such as kickstarter, gofundme, indiegogo, and so many more.  And they all work in similar ways where you use their platform and they charge you a fee.

Web Design for DUMMIES, website using WordPress

WordPress is one of the best open source platform ever built! It allows users to create and maintain website as easy as posting updates on Facebook or creating a MS word document. It’s design and capability is so flexible and easy to use, you can make professional website without knowing any coding. NO HTML, FLASH […]

Things we love… Story of how I jumped in

Things we love make up who we are and defines our life.  Earlier this year a conversation sparked on Facebook regarding how bad traffic is in Los Angeles area.  And anyone who ever lived in LA area won’t dare to argue with that.  If you’re still not sure, click on the chart to right.  This […]

Clear Charity can be your Fiscal Sponsor

Got a great idea?  Want to help people? Let us be your Fiscal Sponsor. Being a nonprofit organization is not a simple task.  Anyone who ever ran their own business can tell you that running a business takes a lot of work.  And we’re not talking about doing the work you’re expected to do.  No, […]

A big step in right direction on 501(c)(3) status

IRS has just changed how a non-profit organization can gain their tax exempt status to make it easier and cheaper.  This is a great news for us since this was one of the big challenges Clear Charity was facing.  IRS allows a new nonprofit organization to be in ‘pending status’ for 27 months.  And Clear […]

The Secret to Getting People to Give: 15 Reasons Why People Donate

This is an duplicate article.  Credit and location of original author can be found on the bottom of the article. News flash: People have things to do other than care about your cause. You’re not always competing with another nonprofit whose mission is similar to yours; you’re also duking it out with soccer practice, a burgeoning […]