Come Join us on Black Friday 11A – 130P, 11/25/16
When: Black Friday (11/25/16) 11A - 130P
Where: Same place you get diapers! 438 E. Katella Ave., Ste 222, Orange, CA 92867
What's going on: Everything will be on 50% off! (except for diapers)
Baby Cereal

#GivingTuesday is #DiaperTuesday!
This year's Giving Tuesday is less than 2 weeks away - 11/29/2016! We want to make this #GivingTuesday a #DiaperTuesday to help us reach our goal!
We've been getting many requests to expand our #DiaperHour from our current Tuesday 12p to…

Coffee Talk & Diaper Drive with CSUF Generation United Nations
Generation United Nations (GENUN), an advocacy group within California State University of Fullerton (CSUF), is hosting their annual Coffee Talk and first ever Diaper Drive this Saturday, November 5th, and we've been invited to speak!

We’re Moving & We Need your help! – Sunday 10/9
In order for us to help more people, we’re moving to bigger suite within same building. If you're available & would like to help, we can use help with both muscle & light organizing this Sunday.
Time & What we need

Shop for Charity at the District
FOR RELEASE ON 7/25/2016
7/25/16 - Orange County, CA. In partnership with ‘The District at Tustin Legacy’, Clear Charity will host a fundraising event where guests can shop and help the community! This event is set for September 29th,…

Clear Charity gets Diapers! [#DiaperGap]
FOR RELEASE ON 6/16/2016
6/16/16 - Orange County, CA. Clear Charity has started two programs to help our local community with #DiaperGap. The Diaper Gap issue was widely publicized this year by the White House in March. Jet.com, a wholesale…

Get Cashback for Shopping + Help Charity at the Same Time!
We have just partnered with Shop.com to work out a great deal. Shop.com is just like many other 'cashback' related services where you get up to 50% cashback for shopping on 1,000s of retailers like Staples.com and etc. But there's one added…

Double your DONATION!
Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, all donations received from 12/11 ~ 12/13 will be matched up to $300!!! Please view our donation page and make a donation today!
Click below image to see donation pages/options.

Clear Charity gets involved in music video with Simply Mary
FOR RELEASE ON 8/13/2015
8/13/2015 - Orange County, CA. Clear Charity has announced endorsement and partnership with Simply Mary, an Arizona based singer group advocating Domestic Violence Awareness through music. Simply Mary and Clear…

CLEF, log in via phone in testing
In our effort to boost our security, we're now testing CLEF, a mobile based, highly secured login platform. This system allows users to login using CLEF mobile app instead of using password, making it more secure.
Using this app, you do…

#RunAgainstDV has been extended to end of Feb
In order to accommodate new plan & volunteers that are just starting to share the news of the run, registration of the run has been extended till end of Feb. All runners will have 30 days after registration to complete and report the run!

Logo change & event notice for October Domestic Violence Awareness Month #DVAM
We have changed out logo color to promote domestic violence awareness month this October.
Click here for PSA + how you can participate!
Tweet @ClearCharity #DVAM to show your support!
Join YWCA's Week Without Violence